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Adding data to the DDb

There are four routes for adding data into the DDb.

The main historical route has been MapMate.  However, there are issues with the long term sustainability of MapMate, so for new recorders, or recorders looking to review their processes, BSBI are recommending one of the following routes.

For surveys, mixed records and one-off casual records

we recommend the BSBI App, or iRecord

For archived data or collated datasets

we recommend importing data from a spreadsheet

There also also mechanisms for importing Rare Plant Register lists for each vice county.

BSBI app

When to use

The BSBI app is the recommended route for surveys, mixed records and one-off casual records.


The BSBI App is tailored for the entry of plant data and data from the app goes directly into the DDb.


There is a verification process for Vice County Recorders within the DDb. See Managing data from the Recording App for more information.

Data sharing

With appropriate agreements in place, records from the DDb can be passed to the NBN Atlas.

Initial documentation on using the Recorder app is now available, and will be added to over the coming months.


When to use

The iRecord app is also an appropriate route for surveys, mixed records and one-off casual records.


It is a good choice where recorders already have experience of using the iRecord app.   In future, records will be regularly transferred from iRecord to the DDb.


There is a verification process for Vice County Recorders within iRecord.

Data sharing

iRecord regularly shares verified records with the NBN Atlas.

Importing data from a spreadsheet

When to use

The DDb’s file upload facility is the best route for archived data or collated datasets.


It allows for considerable flexibility in the importing of data, but is also by some distance the most complex route.

Verification / data sharing

Verification and data sharing work as per the Recorder app.

Guidance on using the DDb's file upload facility is provided on this website.

You can also add individual records to the DDb.


MapMate is no longer being updated, and has issues working with recent versions of Windows.  Because of its continued usage by recorders, MapMate will continue to be supported by the BSBI as a route for passing data to the DDb, but we do not recommend it for future use.

Verification and data flow work as per the Recorder app.

Guidance on using MapMate is provided on this website