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A list of all species / taxa recorded in a vice-county

Creating a list of taxa recorded in a vice-county requires two simple steps.

Firstly, enter the vice county in the county/region field.

You can use the vice county name (e.g. Shropshire) or number (e.g. 40). Confirm your choice from the drop down menu. You can also combine multiple vice counties if you add a comma having confirmed your previous choice.

Then add a ‘group by’ clause via more options > grouping.  You can choose from several taxon options.

Selecting taxon name (including qualifier and authority) provides the greatest detail; species includes subspecies within the parent species total, but retains hybrids as separate entries.

With a query of this kind it is a good idea to add validation to ensure that the vice county and grid reference match. You do this via more options > validation > Grid-ref and vc validation. There is more information on this in the Ensuring the accuracy of data page.

adding 'records where grid-reference and county match'

If we use West Mayo as the vice county, we get the following number of taxa returned as of October 2023 (if you have a DDb login, you can click into each variant of the query to see the query and its current results):