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A species list for a hectad listing most recent year each taxon has been recorded

To create this query, enter the hectad into the grid reference field, add a group by in more options > grouping and choose taxon > taxon name. Then add the latest date option available as a subdivide clause, found by clicking on more options > grouping.

Hectad SW84 in Cornwall has a huge number of records on the DDb. This query returns latest year for 1602 taxa. 

search for taxon names in hectad, subdivided by most recent year: click to see query in DDb (login required)

Changing ‘latest date’ to ‘date range (min/max date)’ shows the earliest and most recent dates.

search for taxon names in hectad, subdivided by earliest/latest date: click to see query in DDb (requires login)

In some cases, the records have vague date ranges, eg. ‘before 1987’, which has an end year but not a start (minimum) year - so the earliest date shows as a blank. You can see this is you click on the earliest date column header to sort the records by that field.