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A list of all new hectad/tetrad/monad records in a vice-county in a year

Listing all hectad records

To create this list also requires a second, sub-query, to be used.  This is added by clicking on more options > join with a sub-query.  The example given below, finds all new hectad records in County Wexford in 2023.  The first part of the query lists all taxa recorded in 2023 (group by), with a list of all the hectads with records (subdivide by), and counts up the number of hectads (distinct).  The second part of the query excludes any combination of taxon and hectad that had been recorded up to, and including 2022.  What you are left with is just the new hectad records.  The query can be adapted for different years by changing the year values in both parts of the query.

query showing all new hectad records in County Wexford in 2023: click to see in DDb (login required)

In this example, as of February 2024, there were 147 new hectad records, of 180 taxa in County Wexford in 2023.

Listing all tetrad records

The query above for new hectad records can easily be adapted to list all new tetrad records.  The required changes are highlighted in yellow

  • Change distinct to tetrads
  • Change subdivide by to tetrads (aggregate)
  • Change join using to taxon-tetrad
query for new tetrad records in County Wexford in 2023: click to see query in DDb (login required)

Again, in County Wexford in 2023, as of February 2024, there were 1284 new tetrad records of 619 taxa.

Listing all monad records

The hectad / tetrad queries above can be further modified to list all new monad records in a year: just amend the distinct, subdivde by and join using fields.  This shows that in County Wexford in 2013, there were 3236 new monad records of 767 taxa.

query showing all new monad records in County Wexford in 2023: click to see the query in the DDb (login required)

Listing all new hectad records of Nationally Rare or Nationally Scarce taxa

The query for new hectad records in a year is simply adapted by adding in the conservation status summary filter (available more options > attributes > conservation status summary) and ticking Nationally rare or scarce .  Leaving the associated field blank means that the query returns both rare and scarce taxa.

query to list all new hectad records for Nationally Rare or Nationally Scarce taxa in County Wexford