1. Data accessed from the BSBI’s DDb by members is for personal use only (such as for educational use, recording purposes or personal research). This excludes commercial use of the data (including paid consultancy work or commercial publication).
2. While members are allowed to download subsets of data for their personal analysis offline, it is not permissible to incorporate records into their own database, or to pass on or publish records. We're confident that BSBI members will behave responsibly, but we will monitor use of the database and take action against anyone who abuses their privileges. The data may not be passed on in any format to third parties without permission from the BSBI.
3. Any information provided is made available in good faith and reasonable efforts have been made to verify and validate the records. However, BSBI disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the data supplied, and accepts no liability for any indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or losses arising from the use of the data.
4. Recorder names (except for records in Scotland) will not normally be provided as part of the data access by members; where recorder names or contact details are present these must not be passed on. Personal data protection and security is an important part of our culture at BSBI. We need to ensure that our members, supporters and the community of botanists can trust us to use their data fairly and responsibly. For more information see BSBI's Privacy and Data Handling policies.
5. Members accessing data should recognise that the data may not represent the complete archive of plant records held by BSBI, nor does absence of information from the dataset indicate an absence of records for a given area or species: the area or species may simply be under-recorded. The record of a species on a given date or site does not necessarily imply the continuance of a species at a site.
6. Some records held on the DDb are identified as being sensitive and therefore access to these records by members is restricted. This includes sites with vulnerable populations and/or restricted access.
7. Members must ensure that their use of BSBI data does not cause harm to wild populations of plants. This includes foraging and seed-harvesting. Please see BSBI's Code of Conduct for Plants for more information.
8. No right of access to view any site is implied: many records are from private land or in areas that are otherwise off-limits (e.g. military ranges or parts of nature reserves where public access is restricted).
9. We retain the right to collate information about how you use the database, including for example what searches are made etc. Please see the BSBI’s Data Handling policy for more information.