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What happens to the records?

How do I save my records?

The recording form will try to save your records automatically as you go along.

If your network connection fails then records will be stored locally on your device until you are connected to the internet again. If you have added lots of images then saving may take a few minutes.

If records are missing from your list on the results page, you can also trigger a save by choosing ‘re-sync’ from the lists menu of the recording form.

Where do the records go?

Records from the recording app go initially to a separate holding workspace in the BSBI DDb Database, where they await validation by the County Recorder, who has the option to accept them into the main DDb. VCRs therefore remain absolutely in control of data flow. We hope that, overall, use of the Recording App may reduce the administrative workload of VCRs and records will arrive complete and in a standard format.

Records will normally take about 10 minutes to appear in the DDb. If entries are missing then please open the app and, from the top-left menu, choose 'Re-sync'. There should be a pop-up message to say that everything has been sent.

The holding workspace (titled BSBI Recording App)is accessible using the Project workspace filter in the main search form in the DDb. More information on Managing data from the Recording App is available for Vice County Recorders.

Finding surveys and sets of records

Each survey or set of records in the recording app maps to a dataset in the DDb. This means that you can search in the DDb for surveys or sets. For example, I can search for the records within this survey in the recording app:

by filtering for BSBI Recording App as the project workspace and searching by Rad Valley Woods in the dataset field:

From the list of results, if you click on the edit (green pencil) icon in the record column you can see/revise the record in the recording app if you need to:

You can also search for a list of surveys/datasets by filtering for BSBI Recording App as the project workspace and doing a more options > group by search on dataset, and using the more options > admin > record owner field to find your recording app/DDb user.

From the resulting list of datasets:

You can click into the total frequency to see the list of records within each survey.