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Grouping records by grid-squares (including empty squares)

When planning your recording it can be very helpful to group records by monad (or another grid-square unit) to see where the gaps in recording effort are. However, empty grid-squares are not automatically returned by the standard grouping search. There is an easy fix!

  • First group records by grid-square (e.g. monad)
  • Set your area of interest (e.g. vice-county)
  • Set up the group by option by clicking the more options button, then: grouping > group by
  • Click the button by the group by option that has appeared, then: localities > monad (or your preferred unit).

This groups the records by monad. To then include empty monads in your search return do as follows:

  • Click the more options button again, then: grouping > include empty grid-squares
  • Your search page will then show a group by option set to your chosen unit (e.g. monad), and underneath it an include empty grid squares option with a checkbox ticked

Running the search now will return records from your area of interest (e.g. vice-county), grouped by grid-square but also listing those grid-squares with no records.

Below is an example, set to Stirlingshire and grouping records by monad (including blank squares).

grouping by monad including empty squares: click to see the query in the DDb (login required)

To include an estimate of survey coverage, under more options > grouping > sub-divide by choose surveyed days as the subdivision and raise the taxon threshold (for example, to 40 species.)

grouping by monad including empty squares, sub-dividing by surveyed days: click to see the query in the DDb (login required)