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The BSBI MapMate Book

BSBI commissioned Martin Rand to write a comprehensive handbook, covering all aspects of MapMate use from a BSBI perspective. This is a fantastic resource that should help answer almost any query you have about using MapMate! The available chapters can be downloaded as PDF files using the links below.

Martin Rand would be pleased to hear from you if you find any errors in the handbook, and to receive suggestions for improvement or other comments.

In places the Handbook makes use of a training database, see Chapter 2, page 2-7. The The training database can be downloaded here.

Chapter 3, page 14 contains a link to 'Wheresthepath', for use if you are in doubt about which vice-county your site is in. This website is no functioning correctly. We would suggest you instead try the Cucaera web site at and zoom in on your site to give you a judgement based on the National Biodiversity Network's vice-county boundary information.

The MapMate Book, © Martin Rand and Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland 2013.All Rights Reserved. Except as permitted under current legislation, and for non-commercial personal use, no part of this work may be photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, published, adapted, broadcast, transmitted, recorded or reproduced in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the copyright owners.

Martin Rand is Vice-county Recorder for South Hampshire - see the Hants Plants website.